ACCCO Response to COVID-19.

A message from Narelle Cossettini


In these challenging times, I would like to reach out to our community and personally update you on the actions that we at ACCCO are taking in response to the unprecedented Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

We vigilantly monitor the situation on a day to day basis in the various locations where our training takes place. ACCCO is assessing and mitigating any risk to our staff, students, child care services and schools and actively listening and following the official advice from the Australian Government and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

It is important that all services are aware of current advice and updates regarding the COVID-19 virus.
The amount of information and misinformation circulating can be incredibly overwhelming. Information is changing rapidly and the best way to stay up to date is to refer to reliable websites as a source of truth.

If or when the time comes ACCCO has in place alternative study and assessment strategies which will assist students to progress through their studies if they are unable to access a Vocational placement. These contingency plans include simulated assessments and changing the order of units. Trainers will continue training over the phone or through other means so students can continue to work on theory.

We thank you for your ongoing support, and we would like to extend our heartfelt sympathies to our community and business partners currently experiencing difficulties. We are aware of the challenges many of you are facing and our hearts and thoughts go out to you all.

I want to thank you for putting your trust in ACCCO as you plan your future careers, and we look forward to welcoming you to ACCCO soon.

We will always keep your safety at the forefront as we genuinely hope that normality will soon return to the world and to every one of you.

Wishing you, your families, colleagues and communities good health and safety going forward.

Keep smiling ? – as we will come out of this bigger and stronger.